As you can see, 2017 has already been treating us well! :)
So many things have been going on over at the Hammer house lately, and I hate I've had to be so MIA, but I am so happy to finally be back at it. We have had some big and exciting changes happen over the last few months. First, we found out we are expecting our second little blessing and he or she is due the beginning of September! We could not be more thrilled to be blessed with this precious gift from above. I know Ian will be the best big brother. Secondly, we moved into our new house the beginning of February and sold our old house in the middle of February, so our life has been super busy lately, but in such a wonderful way.
{PS, I have linked Ian's big brother shirt and the rest of his outfit below!}

The reason I have had to step back from blogging for a few months is because I have been dealing with severe morning sickness. Luckily, I have had so much help from my sweet husband picking up my slack at home, and my mom helping me take care of Ian during the days I was really bad off and could barely get off the couch. I was sick when I was pregnant with Ian, but this has by far been more extreme and has already lasted 3 weeks longer than it did with him. After a few rounds of different medicines, we have finally found some that controls the vomiting (yuck!) and nausea for the most part, which is helping me to not lose anymore weight. We have had two ultrasounds so far, and the last one checked out perfectly, so we are so happy that the baby is healthy and growing well. Prayers and thoughts are definitely appreciated that this morning (aka all day) sickness leaves our house for good though and for a healthy pregnancy + baby and safe delivery come September! :) I am so excited to get to share this journey with y'all and look forward to sharing some fun (and affordable) maternity outfits as I get further along.
In the meantime, I will be trying to make our new house look like a home and settling into our new neighborhood, which we could not be more obsessed with, by the way. Thank you all so much for following along and for the support you've shown me through this blogging journey so far, even when I have had to step away for a bit. Have a fabulous weekend my friends!