Monday, September 17, 2012

Sleepiness from Blessings

This past week has been one of those weeks where my body decides that it does not want to sleep very well at night. Maybe I just got spoiled after a few weeks of easy resting. It got me to thinking about how stress can have such an effect on your body, hence why I'm not sleeping very well recently. I have so much running through my mind, so much to do, so many events to attend, but what I am not focused on or stressed about is God. Hmm. That is a problem. I should be more stressed about not giving enough time in my day to praise the Lord for all of the things I have to stress about because these "stressors" are actually a blessing. Here is a short list of my blessings that I have so wrongfully tagged as stressors in my mind:

1. I have a wonderful husband that I want to rush home to everyday because I cannot find enough hours in my day to spend the time with him that I really want to.

2. I have great friends that I want to make time to see.
3. Trying to "squeeze" a workout in as often as possible.
4. Finding the time to pack for a hiking trip (that most will never be able to take) to the Grand Canyon with my mom and Charlie and making sure our sweet pups are taken care of for the time were gone.

Do you see a pattern. Why can I not sleep over these wonderful blessings? They are not even close to stressful. I think it is very easy to get depressed and down because we feel so run down and not able to do everything we want, when we want, but such is life. I'm in no way a perfect human being--I'm actually very far from it--but it is great to put yourself in check every once in a while to improve the person you are. So here is my new list of blessings:

1. I have an amazing, healthy husband I get to spend my life with everyday.

2. I have great friends that I have the ability to keep in close contact with.
3. I lead a healthy and active lifestyle.
4. I get to go on a trip of a lifetime with two of the most important people in my life God has blessed me with and I have two of the sweetest pups that are like my children.

Now is that not better? I think so.

We'll see everyone when we return from our hiking adventures in the Grand Canyon on Saturday! (Don't worry I will take lots of pictures!!)


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Refreshing to the Soul

If I could describe last Wednesday in one word it would be refreshing. Refreshing in a way that only God is able to create. You know when you meet those kinds of people that make you want to be a better person, and they remind you of what is really important in life? Today, I met one of those people. It only took one hour for God to work through this incredible woman. Just one. Is that not amazing? It truly blows my mind when I actually sit quietly and think about it. Man, how I want to be one of those people.

It makes me think to myself, "How do I get to where she is in her life?" I know I am young, still learning and still have lots of growing to do spiritually, but when you can talk to someone and realize that is the kind of person you want to be, I think that is a good step in the right direction. I think it is also important to look at people you know you do not want to be like and be a good example to those individuals. It really is hard in a world with a lot of negativity, debbie downers, disrespect, and contradicting people to not stoop to their level. Some good advice I was given recently was to not let those types of people affect me, just continue to be who you are and do what you are doing. Although that is hard at times, it is important to work at that--otherwise, I may get pulled down to a level I most certainly do not want to be at.

I say all this to say, that no matter what is going on in life, God will not give you more than you can handle. Pray, just pray and have faith that God will take care of you (because he always does).


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

God's Forgiveness+Today=New Day

What a wonderful weekend this past weekend was. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but it was simple. Such a powerful word to only be made up of six letters.

Friday I got to spend time with some friends, as I should never take that time for granted. On Saturday, Charlie and I enjoyed a peaceful walk at Percy Warner (with no dogs) and a nice dinner just the two of us. Even though our-or should I say my- Saturday plans didn't quite work out like I had originally anticipated, I think the evening was just what "the doctor ordered." I think sometimes in the stresses of work, life in general, and the many responsibilities we now have with two dogs and owning our own home, we forget to sit back and just simply talk. Talk about our childhood, our lives now, our feelings, and our life in the future.

I tend to get to focused on the "next step." I like to think about the future and forget about living in the moment and appreciating my life in the now. No matter what happens today, there is always tomorrow. But I need to make sure I am living life for today and not for tomorrow, or the next year. Life is definitely an adventure, and at times a very very difficult adventure--but with God's love and forgiveness we will always have a new day, whether it be here on earth or in Heaven.

Now maybe its hard to keep life simple, but it sure it necessary to see the importance of the simple things in life. Keeping in mind that my "simple" may not be your "simple."

a part of "simple" from our fabulous honeymoon...


Monday, July 23, 2012

A Trusting Lesson

So I'm a little late on this post, but as many of you know life has been pretty crazy around here recently. A few weeks ago (the day before 4th of July actually), our sweet dog Maisey escaped from her trainer for about 32 hours. As horrific and gut wrenching as this experience was, I think it taught me a huge lesson. 

I have a tendency to like to be in control (if you didn't already know). For these 32 (plus) hours I was not in control, in fact, I had absolutely no control in the situation. Maisey is our "sweet girl," Max's "sister" (whether he likes it or not) and quite frankly one of the two closest things Charlie and I have to a child. I think unless you own a dog, it truly is hard to explain the feeling you have when you think you may never see them again. It's tough. It's a depressing feeling and makes you regret any decision you made up to that point. Luckily, our precious baby was found by some great people that returned her safely home. This is where the rest of my lesson comes in.

There are good people out there. Sometimes trusting other people with your possessions or a situation you cannot control is the best thing you can do at that point in time. In this situation, that was our only choice--to trust the good in the community in which Maisey was "exploring." God really turned a bad situation into a wonderful lesson (but when does he not). 

With all of the bad that's been going on in the world in the past few weeks, it does not mean there is no good in the world. I think I would be lacking faith in God and the choice to choose good over evil if I chose to believe that everyone is bad or inherently evil. God has the power to turn any situation into a strengthening and powerful situation, if you will only let Him. If I did not choose to use my negative experiences to help someone else, would I not be wasting my expertise that I gained through such experience? I think I would, but we are all entitled to our own opinion, and I'm not one to judge someone else's opinion on that matter. I am simply stating a view that hopefully you will ponder. 

This Friday, July 27th, 2012 will mark the 5th Anniversary since my father's fatal car accident in Franklin, TN. Some days I still do not believe that it's real. I think sometimes you learn to get "used" to someone not being in your life, instead of actually dealing with the loss of that person from the world to a better place. This is something I have been aggressively working to overcome. Do you ever completely heal from a loss? I'm really not sure. But, in my opinion, I think you can deal with it in a positive way or a negative way. Either way you choose, you cannot get that physical person back, but you can always keep them in your heart and carry them with you. I choose to make my daddy proud and carry him with me in my heart. 

Choose to be the good in the world. 

Our sweet babies...


Saturday, June 30, 2012


This week I have been thinking a lot (shocker). And the more I think, the more I learn about myself.

Here are a few of my thoughts:

1. As I have gotten older, it gets harder to let new people in my life. But it is important to let God bring those people to me.

2. There are a lot of people that talk out both sides of their mouth. That is something I cannot control, but I can control my actions.

3. When those close to me tell me I can do something...they mean it (and it is important to listen).

Do you sense a pattern in these thoughts? In my mind, these all circle around to self confidence and trust. As for me, these are two of the most difficult things to figure out as a human being. Maybe not for everyone, but I think a lot of people would agree. As women, I think we can trust our "gut feeling" on just about anything. That is one thing I am having to learn to do. 

This week, I was reminded me of how true this statement is: "People come in (and out) of your life for a reason." They may not necessarily stay in your life forever, but in some way that person impacts who you are and why you have become the person you are today. Some people may just be brought into our lives to make us stronger and to help us grow. 

Everyday Charlie tells me how beautiful I am or how smart I am. Everyday my mom tells me how strong of a woman I am. Not that I didn't ever believe them because I trust them both with my Maisey and Maxi :) so of course I believe that they mean it! I just didn't have enough confidence to believe it for myself. Today its an "ah-ha" kind of day. The sun is shining today, but it may not be tomorrow. Nonetheless, it's up to me to feel like the sun is shining from the inside out everyday. 

My happy place where the sun always shines. Happy 4th--you can find us at the beach!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

God's "Calling"

A few of my dear friends were in town from Indiana this weekend. We had a wonderful time, and I think it made me miss them more once they headed back to Indiana. But nonetheless, one of my friends summed up the weekend perfectly by saying, "It rejuvenated my soul." That is truly what it did for me.

No matter how stressful or how difficult grad school was when I lived in Indiana (and obviously where I met these wonderful people), these two special women never failed to give me conversation that warmed my heart and soul. This weekend, it took me back to those late night Indiana conversations, heart-felt and sincere words, something I had missed from these two friends.

Of course, I get all of those things daily from husband...except they are Tennessee conversations :). He is the one person in life that can actually make me complete and make my heart whole. Being a young married couple, it does make me realize that I have a lot to learn (even though it's really hard for me to say out loud that I don't know something!). I have been through a whole lot in my life, but God shows me everyday that I can get better. I can, and with time I will be better and better each passing day for my husband that I'm 100% sure God made specifically with me in mind. Props to the Man upstairs.

I say all this to say that our "girl talk" led to the questions, "What is my calling in life? How do you define what a calling actually is?" With just about everything in life, there are many different ways to look at one topic, one word, one incident. Do any two people ever see one thing the same way? Maybe not. But that's what makes us unique. I am pretty clear in the fact that I have not yet found my calling. I think I know what I want it to be...but is that really what it is? I know one day God will show me, but I just don't think I'm quite ready yet.

From Carbine to Hammer, from Indiana back to Tennessee, God always takes you where you need to be.
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