Monday, September 17, 2012

Sleepiness from Blessings

This past week has been one of those weeks where my body decides that it does not want to sleep very well at night. Maybe I just got spoiled after a few weeks of easy resting. It got me to thinking about how stress can have such an effect on your body, hence why I'm not sleeping very well recently. I have so much running through my mind, so much to do, so many events to attend, but what I am not focused on or stressed about is God. Hmm. That is a problem. I should be more stressed about not giving enough time in my day to praise the Lord for all of the things I have to stress about because these "stressors" are actually a blessing. Here is a short list of my blessings that I have so wrongfully tagged as stressors in my mind:

1. I have a wonderful husband that I want to rush home to everyday because I cannot find enough hours in my day to spend the time with him that I really want to.

2. I have great friends that I want to make time to see.
3. Trying to "squeeze" a workout in as often as possible.
4. Finding the time to pack for a hiking trip (that most will never be able to take) to the Grand Canyon with my mom and Charlie and making sure our sweet pups are taken care of for the time were gone.

Do you see a pattern. Why can I not sleep over these wonderful blessings? They are not even close to stressful. I think it is very easy to get depressed and down because we feel so run down and not able to do everything we want, when we want, but such is life. I'm in no way a perfect human being--I'm actually very far from it--but it is great to put yourself in check every once in a while to improve the person you are. So here is my new list of blessings:

1. I have an amazing, healthy husband I get to spend my life with everyday.

2. I have great friends that I have the ability to keep in close contact with.
3. I lead a healthy and active lifestyle.
4. I get to go on a trip of a lifetime with two of the most important people in my life God has blessed me with and I have two of the sweetest pups that are like my children.

Now is that not better? I think so.

We'll see everyone when we return from our hiking adventures in the Grand Canyon on Saturday! (Don't worry I will take lots of pictures!!)


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