Monday, July 23, 2012

A Trusting Lesson

So I'm a little late on this post, but as many of you know life has been pretty crazy around here recently. A few weeks ago (the day before 4th of July actually), our sweet dog Maisey escaped from her trainer for about 32 hours. As horrific and gut wrenching as this experience was, I think it taught me a huge lesson. 

I have a tendency to like to be in control (if you didn't already know). For these 32 (plus) hours I was not in control, in fact, I had absolutely no control in the situation. Maisey is our "sweet girl," Max's "sister" (whether he likes it or not) and quite frankly one of the two closest things Charlie and I have to a child. I think unless you own a dog, it truly is hard to explain the feeling you have when you think you may never see them again. It's tough. It's a depressing feeling and makes you regret any decision you made up to that point. Luckily, our precious baby was found by some great people that returned her safely home. This is where the rest of my lesson comes in.

There are good people out there. Sometimes trusting other people with your possessions or a situation you cannot control is the best thing you can do at that point in time. In this situation, that was our only choice--to trust the good in the community in which Maisey was "exploring." God really turned a bad situation into a wonderful lesson (but when does he not). 

With all of the bad that's been going on in the world in the past few weeks, it does not mean there is no good in the world. I think I would be lacking faith in God and the choice to choose good over evil if I chose to believe that everyone is bad or inherently evil. God has the power to turn any situation into a strengthening and powerful situation, if you will only let Him. If I did not choose to use my negative experiences to help someone else, would I not be wasting my expertise that I gained through such experience? I think I would, but we are all entitled to our own opinion, and I'm not one to judge someone else's opinion on that matter. I am simply stating a view that hopefully you will ponder. 

This Friday, July 27th, 2012 will mark the 5th Anniversary since my father's fatal car accident in Franklin, TN. Some days I still do not believe that it's real. I think sometimes you learn to get "used" to someone not being in your life, instead of actually dealing with the loss of that person from the world to a better place. This is something I have been aggressively working to overcome. Do you ever completely heal from a loss? I'm really not sure. But, in my opinion, I think you can deal with it in a positive way or a negative way. Either way you choose, you cannot get that physical person back, but you can always keep them in your heart and carry them with you. I choose to make my daddy proud and carry him with me in my heart. 

Choose to be the good in the world. 

Our sweet babies...


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