Friday, March 15, 2013

A Conscious Effort

Wow! It sure has been a while since I sat myself down to think and write. It has been a crazy past few months. With all of the holidays, birthdays, anniversary celebrations and work, I feel like we haven't had a chance to slow down around here. In November we celebrated my birthday AND Thanksgiving, in December we celebrated our wedding anniversary AND Christmas, in January we celebrated the New Year AND Charlie's birthday. It's almost as if there isn't much to do the rest of the year, but we should always find cause to celebrate.

There is always a new day to thankful about something, the fact that we are alive, have a roof over our heads, have food to eat, and all of the supportive friends and family we have around every turn. I seem to get caught up in "life" and miss these opportunities to celebrate if I don't take the time to slow down and appreciate them.

There are always going to be reasons for me to be negative, I can find an excuse every day to be upset that something didn't go my way, or someone didn't treat me the way I would treat them, but is it worth it to waste my time feeling sorry for myself? Not really. All I am doing by feeling those negative feeling is letting the other person win. Easier said that done? YES! I can sit here all day long and post about how it's not worth my time to feel that way, but sometimes its tough. It makes me angry, it makes me upset that God would let someone act like that to a person that doesn't deserve it. But, we have to be conscious about our attitudes to make sure we don't let that person win. Sometimes it seems best to remove yourself from the situation when you know the outcome isn't going to change, instead of continuing to live in a negative state.

Over the past few months, Charlie has gotten me into CrossFit. At first, I was hesitant because I have never really "pushed" myself when working out (besides training for the half marathon YEARS ago). The more I have gotten into the sport though, the more I cannot get enough of it. CrossFit is the one thing I do all week that gets my mind off of all of the stress and negativity. There is always someone encouraging you at CrossFit and telling you that you CAN make it through the hellacious workout. It truly is a community of people that care about more than just themselves, they care about everyone else there too. CrossFit helps you learn to push your body and mind to the "next" level in all areas of your life, not just fitness. So I would recommend everyone find that one thing you do every day that can help you "relax" and release your stress and the pressure of everyday life. I am glad that my husband persuaded me to give CrossFit a chance so I could find that "thing" for me.


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