Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tips for Sticking to Your Fitness Routine

Hello, Tuesday! After battling a cold the last two days and just feeling exhausted, it was hard to get back to the gym this morning. I started thinking about my routine and how it can be hard whether you have kids, work long hours or just struggle in general to make fitness a priority. I was really worried when I was pregnant that I would have a hard time juggling a baby and working out, so I wanted to share a few things that really helped me get my routine back postpartum and keep it even a year later. {+ I've linked my outfit details below!}

Going to a gym where no one held me accountable or challenged me was always a struggle for me in the past Once Charlie and I joined Real Change Crossfit, and found this community that have become family to us, it made such a huge difference for me. In Nashville, we are fortunate to have gyms all over the place where you can get plugged in and get to know the people you work out with everyday. It would definitely be more of a struggle for me if I didn't have the support of our owners and the other members attending classes multiple times a week with us. They care about where I am if I don't show up or if I'm sick, injured, you name it, and that has been huge for me. This could even mean just having a friend or two who you commit to going to workout with set days of the week. I think it is so beneficial to sticking to your fitness goals.

And go the same days/time each week as much as possible. Once I set the days/time I would go each week, it made it so much easier to plan around it. For a while I felt silly saying I couldn't do anything M/W/F until 10:45 after my workout was over, but it's the only way I've been able to stay consistent. Once you make it a priority and commit for a couple of weeks, it will become your new routine. For me, it's the time of day that I get to do something for myself, and I need that time, so it definitely doesn't feel silly to me anymore.

A lot of gyms now require you to sign up, so that a coach doesn't show up to no one there to attend the class. Even if it's not required, I would highly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity if that's a benefit your gym offers. When I sign up, it helps hold myself accountable for making it to that class. I hate saying I'm going to do something and then not do it, so I will very rarely cancel going to a class that I have already committed to attending.

This doesn't quite have to do with going to the gym, but more so about just being active in general. I tend to meet friends for coffee a lot during the week. I have really tried to shift those dates from getting a $5 coffee to meeting at the park or the mall (I know, I know that can be dangerous!) to walk and be active instead of sitting down and spending money on a latte that I don't need. This helps me keep my energy level up, and I also get to have the girl time that I desperately need! :)

What are some things that help keep you motivated to get your fitness on every week?! I would love to hear!

OUTFIT DETAILS: Hat // Leggings // Shoes // Top // Stroller

xoxo, Ashley


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