Friday, May 12, 2017

Five Things Motherhood Has Taught Me

With Mother's Day being this weekend, and now having two years of being a momma under my belt, I decided I would share a few things that being a mom has taught me. 
You can never imagine how much love you actually have room for in your heart. 
Before Ian arrived, I could have never imagined how much I would instantly love such a tiny little human. The amount of love you have is something I can never fully put into words, but each day that love grows more and more. Now that we're pregnant with our second child, I have wondered how I could ever love another baby as much as I love Ian, but then I remember how I could have never imagined there being this much room in my heart for such feelings and know that I won't understand until our sweet boy is here. I know I will love him just the same!
It's Okay to Ask for Help
I have always been one who is pretty independent and likes to do things on my own. I always felt like asking for help was a sign of weakness, and in my mind I was so strong that I couldn't ever let it appear like I was weak. That couldn't be farther from the truth. As humans, we all have our strengths, but I feel like sometimes asking for help when it's needed just shows you are that much stronger. As mommas, this is a tough gig whether you're trying to do it all by yourself or not. So just remember that it is 100% more than okay to ask for help or take help when it's offered to you.
Taking Care of Yourself is Important
I've come to terms with the fact that when I don't take care of my body and my mind, I'm not the best mom. I need the time to workout, eat a good meal or just get some rest in order to be a better mother. It can be exhausting always having to worry about your child, making sure you know where they are at all times and making sure they're fed, dressed, bathed day-in and day-out. I've come to realize what my body and mind needs in order to be my best self for everyone else. So make sure you take that time to recharge.
The Chores Can Wait
So I'm not always the best at remembering this one, but it is so important to soak in all of the play time, hugs, kisses and cuddles you can get from your little ones. They grow up way too quickly, and I'm not going to remember that basket of laundry that didn't get folded a year from now. So note to self, enjoy them being little while you can. You won't regret those memories.
There is No Need for Mom Guilt & Shame
Every single mother's journey is going to be different. For me personally, I could only breastfeed Ian for about two months. I had a really hard time with my supply, and he wasn't gaining enough weight. When I decided to feed him 100% formula, I was so upset about it and really struggled with feeling like I was a failure. Once I finally got over that though, I realized that Ian was happy and healthy, and that was what was most important. I share this to say that you don't know what struggles another mother or human being in general is facing, so never ever dare shame her/him. I have the utmost respect for women that are able to breastfeed for an entire year or more, but I also have the same amount of respect for those women who aren't able to for being able to make a decision that is best for their family and child. This goes for so many more parenting decisions other that just breastfeeding, but that was the most personal example I could share. So please moms, stop with the shaming and let's respect, support and build each other up. This thing called motherhood is hard enough without all of that negativity.
What have you learned through your journey or what has being a daughter taught you about motherhood? I'm sending love and prayers to every mom, woman and daughter no matter your situation
on this special weekend.

xoxo, Ashley


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