As we are nearing closer and closer to Baby Boy #2's anticipated arrival date, it has really gotten me reminiscing about when Ian was born. It also makes me sad to think that our oldest has grown up so much already, but I wanted to take the time to document Ian's birth story. I can't believe its been over two years, and I haven't written it down yet.

Ian was due on April 24, 2015. It was a pretty good pregnancy for me. I was really sick in the first trimester, but once that passed about week 13, I truly felt great and enjoyed being pregnant. I carried Ian pretty low most of the pregnancy and didn't really have many issues, but once the last month rolled around the back pain became pretty bad. I gained an average amount of weight (well from where I started before I got sick the first trimester...I lost about 8 pounds when I was sick), but my back was absolutely killing me from the pressure. We talked to our doctor about the options of waiting it out or being induced, and we decided that if he didn't come naturally, I would be induced on his due date that Friday.

Well, April 22nd rolls around and Charlie hadn't even packed his bags yet, but I told him to pack them after he got back from lifting class that night, just to be safe. I went to bed pretty early around 9PM that night since I hadn't been sleeping well, and Charlie followed not too long after. I woke up around 11PM having some serious contractions. I bounced around on a big exercise ball since it was about the only way I could relieve the pain for hours just counting my contractions. At right around 2AM, my contractions had been consistent, and I decided it was time to head to the hospital. So I woke Charlie up and we headed to St. Thomas Midtown to see if it was go time.

I remember it like it was yesterday. The nurses were so nice and calm (I mean I know they see this everyday, but it made me feel so much more comfortable), got us through our paperwork extremely quickly, and they had me in a room to be examined in no time. They checked me, and I was a little bit dilated, I can't remember exactly how much, but said they would check back in an hour. Well, an hour rolled around, they checked me again and nothing had changed. I was so afraid they were going to give me some sleeping pills and just send me home. Thankfully, they called our doctor, and since we were scheduled to be induced the next day anyways, they told us they were going to keep me and admit me. I cannot tell you how relieved I was, especially knowing that I didn't have to go home and be in pain for another 24 hours.

They got us up to a room and told me to try and rest, and that they would give me pitocin to induce around 7AM if I hadn't made any progress. I did end up having to be induced and have my water broken, and then the waiting game began (of course, after I got my epidural--those things are the bomb!). So, we got to hang out and wait around for a little bit, and around 2:15PM, the nurse came in to check me and said I was fully dilated, and it was time to start pushing. She had to do a little lobbying to get our doctor in my room instead of rushing to a C-Section first since Ian was not waiting around, but nonetheless, about 30 minutes later our little man came out with his full head of dark hair (it was the first thing the nurse told us she saw)!

Our little miracle Ian Charles was born at 2:43PM, weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces, and was 19 inches long. Talk about love at first sight! I couldn't control my emotions, it truly was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced (I'm tearing up right now just thinking about it...silly pregnancy hormones!). Charlie was a champ through the whole thing too, although I thankfully couldn't feel too much, I couldn't have done it without him. He truly is my rock.
{our first picture as a family of three!}
After he was born, they monitored Ian pretty closely because he wasn't as vocal as I guess they wanted him to be, but he really was the picture perfect healthy little baby, and that was honestly what we had been praying for the whole pregnancy.
You always hear the saying "it goes too fast," and it really does. Although some days may be tough, and I may be exhausted a lot of the time, I am so thankful that we have a healthy and active 2 year old running around. I wouldn't trade being his momma for the world. I cannot wait to see what adventures Baby Boy #2 brings to our little family.
xoxo, Ash
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