Thursday, February 8, 2018

My Fitness Journey + 5 Things to Ask Yourself

Let me start by saying that I am not a health or fitness professional or expert by any means, but I thought if my personal journey and experience could motivate just one person, that it is worth sharing. It’s a little long, but here it goes!

A little over 6 years ago, my husband got a Groupon for a CrossFit class and convinced me to come with him. Let’s be real, before I started CrossFit, I didn’t know what the heck I was doing when I would go to the Y. I just did whatever I felt like that day, with no plan, just to check it off my list. Not that there’s necessarily anything wrong with that, but it wasn’t something I truly enjoyed doing. I just did it because I was supposed to I guess you could say (and because I like chocolate and wine 😂). Prior to starting CrossFit, the most activity I had done was cheering in high school, running a whole lot in college or YMCA fitness classes. I never really lifted a lot of weight or even knew much about Olympic Lifting and CrossFit styled workouts. 

Let me be clear, I 110% know that CrossFit is not for everyone, but I do think that it is SO important to find a fitness activity that drives you. Find something that makes you want to be the better version of yourself, both inside and outside of the gym. 

At first, I was extremely intimidated to start the beginners class to learn all of the techniques, but I’m so glad that I didn’t give into that fear. We had one of the best coaches for our “on ramp” class, and I am so grateful that I’m now equipped with the knowledge of how to do those technical lifts properly. In my opinion, it is so important to research your coaches to ensure that they are educated, so that you don’t end up with improper form and injure yourself down the road. My husband had us driving 30 minutes each way because he had researched it so much!

I’m not going to lie, the first week I hopped into the actual CrossFit class after I finished the month long on-ramp class, I didn’t go back for a week because I was so sore! But, it felt so good to know that I was pushing my body and my mind mentally and physically. Eventually it didn’t hurt so bad anymore the day or two after a class, and I absolutely craved hitting that next goal or finishing faster and lifting heavier. I finally found a fitness regimen that made me want to get to the gym! If you know me though, you know I’m a very quiet person, but I am extremely competitive. I just don’t often verbalize it to anyone other than Charlie. Ha! But, I do have to be careful of pushing myself too far, especially having only been back at it for 3 months since we had Riley. So, just like in any workout, you have to listen to your body. You are the only one that really knows your limits. 

Fast forward to two babies later, CrossFit and Olympic lifting still drive me. I hate skipping workouts, and I sure know that the owners of our gym would be calling or asking Charlie if I was okay if I didn’t show up for a few weeks. That in itself is huge. Find a gym that cares about you, and cares if you’re not there! They really are like family to us. They’ve watched Ian grow up and are now doing the same with Riley. If you’re a parent, finding a family friendly gym is super important to sticking to your fitness plan. We got SO lucky getting plugged into Real Change as they were opening up a few years ago. We seriously could not stay in shape like we have without them. 

So, with all of that being said, I wanted to share a few questions to ask yourself if you are stuck in a rut and just need that push to figure out what drives you and what would keep you motivated.

What are your goals?
Do you want to be faster? Stronger? More muscular? Lose weight? Make friends? Just knowing the answer to this question can really help you narrow it down.

What do you enjoy doing? 
Hiking? Biking? Lifting weights? Running? Etc. 

What is your budget? 
There are so many different options from online trainers, personal trainers to group fitness classes. Whether you need someone to guide you in the beginning only or you want someone training you personally every single time you workout, there are so many options in so many different price ranges out there. 

Do you need a group/someone to hold you accountable? 
If so, make that step to make sure you stay motivated. We have to sign up for class at our gym, and this has been a huge help for me. I know if I cancel it shows I canceled, so it keeps me motivated to get there.

Do you think there’s a workout you won’t like or are too scared to try?
Try it anyways! Everyone who is in that class was a beginner at some point too. I’ve never been to a CrossFit class, even when I first started out, where I wasn’t welcomed with open arms and super nice people. If you try a gym or class and don’t like it, at least you can move on to the next place on your list and not wonder "what if?" 

{Photography by Sam Carbine}

If you made it to the end of this, thank you so much for reading! I hope my journey and experiences can help and maybe motivate you or someone you know to find a gym they love and can’t get enough of. If you live in Nashville or are ever visiting the area, I would love for you to join me for a workout! 

 xoxo, Ash 



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