Thursday, May 10, 2018

Tips for Moms with 2 Under 3

Life trying to balance two little ones, especially one that’s starting to hit the “threenager” stage can have its challenges. So, with 8 months under my belt having two, I thought I’d share a few tips that I’ve learned for juggling the boys solo. Let me be clear though, we have rough days...a lot. I’ve broken down in tears many a times, and that’s okay. This mom thing is hard, and as simple as these tips may be, it has taken me some time to figure out and get in the groove, but these 'small' things have helped tremendously. If they can help make just one other momma's life easier, I thought they were worth sharing!

Load up your oldest first. 
I always put Ian in the car first now. He is notorious for darting in the street or just thinking it’s fun for me to chase him around the car (newsflash buddy, it’s not!). At least for right now, I can just set Riley’s carrier right beside me to get Ian secure and not worry about keeping Ian safe. I know time will quickly change that, but it is a huge help when your second can't get away from you yet!

Always park next to (or close to) a shopping cart return when going to the store. 
It has made it so much easier to put them both in a shopping cart directly from the car, rather than to having to wrangle them both inside then load them up. That way you don’t have to worry about walking too far from the car returning the cart either after everyone/thing is loaded up! Sometimes Ian doesn't like to get in the cart, and honestly that's where I've had to bribe him with little things. It's been pretty tricky, and quite honestly exhausting for me when he's not in the cart. I know with time this will get easier, but for now, this is what has worked for us since we're still working on our listening skills. ;)

Unload your youngest first.
I always unbuckle Ian before I get out and let him get out of his car seat by himself, and then I go get Riley out of the car first. That way Ian can crawl out the same side as I get Riley out out, and I have hands on them both. It makes unloading SO much easier!

Try to get them on the same nap schedule. 
Ian is down to one nap a day, so I will admit I haven’t been so great at this one yet. But, the times it’s happened, it’s been amazing! Make sure you take a breather when this does happen because I know I’ve needed those few minutes to just. do. nothing.

Include your oldest as much as you can. 
I’ve noticed a huge difference in Ian’s behavior/jealousy once I started asking him to help me with things. He’s just now getting to the age where he understands a lot more, so he loves it. Even if it’s as simple as asking him to throw something away in the trash, grabbing me a diaper or just helping me hold the bottle to feed Riley. He loves helping and it makes him feel included and like he’s getting attention he craves with a new little brother around.

Don't be afraid to ask for help.
After we had our oldest, I didn't like to ask for help or let people know that I was having a tough time. If anyone asked to babysit, bring food, etc., I almost felt guilty saying yes. This time around I have learned that it is okay to ask for help or say yes when someone offers to help you do something or bring you something. You need time for YOU. I have learned I'm a much better mother when I am able to recharge, decompress and have some adult or me time.

I had a couple of friends tell me that the transition to two kids was going to be tough, and I'm not going to lie to you, it really is hard. I think it made it a little better going into it though knowing that life was going to drastically change and it wouldn't be easy. I am so thankful to have friends who can tell me like it is because it helped mentally prepare me for what was to come. But, the good news is, after a few months you do find your new normal. The lack of sleep for the first 3-4 was the hardest thing for me since I was  running on fumes, but it does get easier, I promise! 

If you remember anything from this post, I want you to remember that you can do this, you are doing a wonderful job, you are an amazing momma and they are so lucky to have someone that loves them so much! 



*Photography by Sam Carbine*

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